Cubs is for boys and girls aged between 8 & 10½.
The main aim of Cubs is to have FUN! A normal meeting would consist of a games and work towards a different badge. Some of the activities we do are cooking, knots, compass and map reading.
We have a big summer camp each year, and the older cubs also have the chance to participate in a winter camp.
During the summer…
…we try to get ‘out and about’ as much as we can. We do lots of different activities outdoors, but some of the favourites are playing rounders on Pakefield cliffs, walking on the beach looking for fossils, playing wide games at our site in Mutford and hiking out to different places.
During the winter…
…we spend most evenings in our HQ working towards badges, and learning skills we can put into practice when the weather is better. We have a Halloween party, a Christmas party and we also try to get a trip to the panto in January wherever possible.
As well as all this…
…we take part in district events and competitions, such as the swimming gala, 5-A-Side football, district camps and canoeing.
If you like the sound of what we do, please come and meet us, or get in touch using the ‘Join Us’ page on the top menu.
Our pack meets between 6.30 – 8.30 on a Thursday evening.