Beavers is for boys and girls, who are aged between 5yrs 9 months & 8.
The emphasis for Beaver Scouts is on having fun, so a typical meeting involves playing games, and some sort of activity – such as painting, cooking or acting. Beaver Scouts are also taught about the basics of Scouting, all whilst making new friends.
Summer Activities
During the summer, we try to spend as much time outside as we can. Some of our most popular evenings outside are things such as playing rounders on the beach, our ‘I Spy’ walk, and another night we run whilst the weather is nice is a walk from Everitts Park to Normanston Park along the water, seeing all of the boat yards along Lake Lothing.
Even the British summer weather doesn’t stop us! …
We have held a street party for the Jubilee, with lots of food, games and gifts for everybody, We made crowns and decorated the hall with flags and paper chains for the occasion too.
The Lowestoft district also ran an Olympic Themed event which we attended. Our Beavers had a great day, and made lots of goodies to take home (although the sweets didn’t even make it into the car park!)
On the last night of the Spring term, we usually visit a local museum. Last year we visited Carlton Colville transport museum, however this year we visited the Lowestoft Maritime Museum. There was so much to do and see there- and all of the Beavers were all very enthusiastic and really enjoyed the trip.
Winter Activities
When we are in the HQ during the winter months, we do lots of crafts and badge work. We mark all the main festivals throughout the year. Some religious i.e. Easter and some not i.e. Halloween.
We have visits from Alex (Scout helper) who runs cooking evenings and Tom (Scout helper) who does Air Activities. We always go to the Pantomime at Christmas, and an outing that we usually do is a visit to Norwich Castle on the train for a day.
This year our Beavers achieved their Safety badge, Creativity badge and the Animal Friend badge. To achieve the ‘Animal Friend’ badge, we spent the evening at ‘Pets At Home’ learning how to care for small pets and reptiles.
Other Events
We take part in District and National events too. Last year we went to the national Beaver ‘Fun Day’ at Gilwell Park (The headquarters for Scouting in Britain).
As you can see, we run a full and varied programme! If you/your child is aged between 5yrs 9months and 8, come and meet us!
Our Colony meets between 6.30 – 7.30 on a Wednesday evening.